From Footloose! I have been so busy work on this show that I have completely neglected writing on my blog. The run of Footloose has certainly been a great one and I am proud to say that it was one of the most fun shows I've ever had the privilege of performing in. I would gladly return to Holy Cross Summer Stock any time (which might be sooner rather than later... details soon!). I can honestly say that I had a great time performing in a role that I never thought would work for me. I was cast as Reverend Shaw Moore, Bomont's resident grieving, border-line crazy town minister with a personal vendetta against alcohol, drugs, rock and roll and, of course, dancing. Luckily the songs were a near perfect fit for my voice and the role was something that was relatively easy for me to sink into what with my previous show. It felt good to be praised for my voice again, and believe it or not I sincerely appreciated not having to learn a lot of choreography this time. This production represented a lot of firsts. For me, it represented the first time I had been cast in a different age range than what I actually am (I'm 22, and I was the father of an 18-year-old girl). It was Mayumi Baker's first time directing a fully-staged musical, and I definitely feel that things came together (I think it's safe to say we were all a little nervous at first). She was one of the only director's I've had that has actually taken the time to sit down with different cast members and create characters and relationships. Brittney Stonestreet was also a newcomer to the production staff, choreographing her first full show. Although I did not get to participate in a lot of the dances (I did weasel my way into the first number, though!), I did get to spend some time watching a lot of the dances from the audience during rehearsals and from the wings during the show. She did a great job working with the kids in the cast and came up with a lot of entertaining choreography that the audience certainly enjoyed. Our music director was also new to his position. Michael Turnblom worked hard to make each cast member memorize their music and harmonies, which is no easy feat in and of itself, but especially when you have to teach younger people. I'd like to say thank you to everyone in the cast who made this a fun experience, especially to my very talented and funny new best friends! You know who you are!

Up next... I'm actually on the bus to NYC right now so I can audition for Disney (happy and pretty!) and to help my friend Kelly Colburn with a show this weekend. I have no clue what the show is, or what it's about, but I hope I get to watch it! Anyways, I have to go figure out what song I'm going to sing for my audition. So until next time!!!
PS - Happy Birthday/Opening Night to my best friend Pamela Morris!!!! Love you schmerg, you da best!
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